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By Chris Salt

Directed by Janys Chambers & Produced by Deborah Dickinson

One day Lyle walks out of his life and up on to the high fells. On the edge of a deep tarn he meets Jake who has a gun and a dog and a life as far removed from Lyle’s as possible. Over the course of 24 hours, Lyle and Jake chip away at each other until they are no longer sure who they really are or what the future holds for them. At the mercy of the elements, all they have is each other.

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“The acting was brilliant, captured what it is like to be a young person in Cumbria.”


“It has great content, great acting, a really good story and it felt real.”


fell was runner-up to both the Octagon Theatre National Prize and the Papatango Prize.


Funded by Arts Council England with support from Cumbria Youth Alliance and Kirkgate Arts.

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