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By Nuzhat Ali

Directed by Janys Chambers & Produced by Deborah Dickinson

Writer Nuzhat Ali was a winner of the Channel 4/Northumbria University Writing for Television Awards at the Northern Writers’ Awards in 2015.  Her play When George Came To Bradford was staged as part of Bradford’s Literature Festival and recorded for Dream Reality Radio in the same year. Sadly, Nuzhat passed away in 2020.


Flight explores the dilemma of one man facing the relentless destruction of his city, his home and his family in Syria.  His 14-year-old daughter is all he has left.


What should I do?

Is doing nothing an option anymore?

Should I just stand by and watch as she loses her mind?

Should I just stand by and watch her die?

When is enough, enough?  Where do my limits lie?

How many of my friends do I have to see die?


Making the heart-breaking and desperate decision to leave Damascus, the play follows the fortunes of Ibraheem and Rahma as they attempt to escape with their lives to Europe, fortified by the example of their medieval forebears Prince Abd Rhaman and his servant Bedr.

"Brilliant. Really powerful, with a lot of raw emotion and very thought-provoking. Amazing to give refugees a voice."


"A powerful and moving portrayal of a father and daughter fleeing Syria and an emotional insight into the plight of all refugees."


Flight was commissioned as part of Octagon Theatre, Bolton REVEAL season performed in Bolton and Bradford in 2019.

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