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British Theatre Guide

"Fine, engaging performances. A compassionate, optimistic play"

The Spy In the Stalls

"Their stories creatively flow in and out of
each other, hinting at connections"

Three Mothers

By Maltida Velevitch

Directed by Janys Chambers & Produced by Deborah Dickinson

Three women, two children, one story.  


Set in present day Senegal, Bavaria and post WW2 Sudentenland, Three Mothers spans 60 years and immerses the audience in the personal lives and the dilemmas facing its three female characters.


When Khady’s husband dies, she is forced to sell his goats. Sending her eldest son away from Senegal across desert and sea to Europe, in the hope that he will find a better life, she plunges her entire family into uncertainty. When Gisela’s life in England is turned upside down, she goes home to Bavaria seeking comfort and familiarity. But her attempts to assist the steady flow of refugees arriving in her childhood village soon awaken memories from her own past.  Erika reveals the truth about the journey made on foot with her baby daughter after being expelled from Sudetenland in 1945.  The bold choices made by these three mothers are brought together as one compelling narrative in this award-winning play.


The production is an amalgamation of verbatim research, original text and physical theatre, written, directed, designed and performed by an all-female team.

National tour 2018 and 2019.

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